Love Story : How they actually met
How they actually met
Destiny means your future or fate.Some people believe in destiny and god make it true.Their are lots of people in our life we met but there are also a one special person in everyone life and want to spent whole life by them.This was the story of girl named kanchan and the guy named vikas.Their love story began on their school time. They both were study on 11th standard in the ARTS Section. Actually they both noticed each other in 8th standard.The time had passed slowly they talked some little but their was nothing in between. Kanchan had a feeling for vikas. She liked him but couldn’t tell him.She now noticed every moment of vikas in class. She had not been interested in study and always kept her eyes on only vikas. She always want to sit same side of him.She never let go a chance to be with him and talk with him.
Vikas didn’t know anything about this. After some days all student was busy for a farewell party. They through party for 12th standard students. On the day of party all students were well dressed up.She saw him butterfly fly’s on her stomach. Vikas came to kanchan and they talked casually. Then vikas said to kanchan to take his proposal for some other girl in their class. She didn’t know how to react and numed than she handled her feeling and situation. She was ready to help him because she never want to loose him as a friend. Finally,gathered inner strong power she put his step toward the girl. She told vikas like you and want friendship with you.Than girl said I had already boyfriend and rejected the proposal.Kanchan were on seventh cloud. She was so happy and couldn’t controlled her self.
After that she came to vikas.He was waited for reply. She told everything the girl had boyfriend also and rejected the proposal after saying that word suddenly she said,” I like you so much for a very long time.I want you in my life.Do you want to friendship with me?”Now she leaved the all thing up to vikas.If you need time than its ok I will wait for you she said..Vikas on the spot accepted her proposal and said I am Ok with that I will.Than their love story began.They were in love.
After 7 years being in a relationship they decided to their relation in a different terms to get step for marriage.That was the time parents knew about their relationship. Kanchan go to their home sat in front of her mom and told everything about their relation.At the same time vikas also went through the same situation at his home. Kanchan’s mom get angry and refused to accepted of marriage with him. Kanchan tried hard to convinced her mother. Vikas side their was not a big problem his mom asked one thing after matching making then we take any decision.
On the other hand kanchan side after some days argument finally she successed to convinced her parents Both was Brahmin and had same caste so their was not a big issues we all know mainly parents had these type of issues. As you can see everything is good and both side permitted for marriage proposal. How things went smoothly without any problem? The twist make a turn and a big problem may occurred. Kanchan is manglik and vikas is non-manglik. We all know that the astrology fact of manglik and non- manglik. Vikas mother strictly believe on that.How that was possible? Kanchan want did everything to be with him and he also.Than kanchan and vikas made a plain. Kanchan made a fake kudli of her and showed to In laws. Kanchan,her mom and vikas knew that secret. After matching with fake kundli result was positive now thing was Ok. Finally they got married. The love is win destiny met the love birds. They done it and never loose their hope. The great thing was they did it with their parents permission.
Now at present they lives happily married life.And kanchan is going to give a birth of new life. God bless them.
wow, that’s so cute…
hmmm… parents… !!! big prob of life… still they believe in superstitions and panditjii all that… 😉
god bless ya